Monday, March 27, 2006

Overactive imagination

Does my agency realize that when they say something like "it usually takes about 10 days to get DNA results once the testing has been done" that I take this extremely literally? The word "usually" means nothing to me, they said "10 days" and it's been 10 days so where are my stinking results?!? They couldn't possibly have mean 10 business days, could they? That seams like cruel and unusual punishment to a woman who has experienced her fair share of waiting around for stuff in this lifetime. Throw me a bone here, ok? My confidence is starting to dwindle...negative and irrational thoughts are invading my subconscious...must think positive...results will come any day now...everything will be fine...

Monday, March 20, 2006

She only looks sweet and innocent

Since I don't have much to talk about as far as our adoption goes, I thought I would share a funny story about one of our furry children today! This is Maggy, our 9 year old Australian Shepherd mix (a.k.a. Mutt!). She was fresh from the groomers in this picture which is why she has the dorky butterfly bandana on...she probably wouldn't be happy if she knew I was posting this picture! Anyway, Maggy is a very sweet dog, and though she is normally all cuddles and kisses, when faced with any of her mortal enemies (the vacuum cleaner, the mailman, kids on bikes, and most of all the dreaded squirrel) this dog has a mean streak!

So today there was some commotion in the backyard while I was getting ready for work in the morning. I went out to investigate what was causing all the barking, and to let the dogs in before someone called the cops on us again (long story), only to find Maggy running towards me with a large chunk of unidentified furry something hanging out her mouth and a look of smug satisfaction on her face! I managed to get her to spit the mystery fluff out with some coaxing and found what appeared to be part of a squirrel tail! It looked like it was mostly fur so I think she just got the tip of it...but one unlucky squirrel had a really bad morning! She chases those squirrels around all the time, in fact Squirrel Patrol is her main concern while she is out in the backyard and she has even been known to climb partway up the big tree in our backyard before gravity brings her back down! Unfortunately they usually just taunt her from above and drive her crazy, but today was definitely her day of glory!

In other news, we found out that DNA testing was for sure done on Friday! So now we just wait for results, which the agency said usually takes up to 10 days. I'm assuming it could be sooner though so we may hear any day now! I guess I'll have to start checking my e-mail every 10 minutes again!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Not exactly what I wanted to hear...but I'll take the good with the bad

First I'll start with the good news. We got an e-mail from our case worker at the agency today and she confirmed that our attorney was able to get permission from the US Embassy last week to do the DNA testing. She said testing was scheduled for this week sometime but didn't know the exact date, and apparently results usually take about 10 days. So, once we get confirmation that DNA is a match we can travel to Guatemala to finally meet Cameron face to face! Assuming all goes with with the DNA, our tentative plan is to travel in April, possibly the weekend after Easter but we have to check schedules and figure it all out. We'll know more soon though!

Then more good news, we found out the court interviews took place on February 20th already! Now we are just waiting on the written report from the social worker and we'll be out of family court! But here is where the bad news comes in...she said our case cannot proceed to PGN until we get Pre-Approval from the US Embassy, which apparently has been taking 4 weeks or longer AFTER they receive DNA results!! 4 WEEKS OR LONGER?!? Are you kidding me? So yet again it looks like we will be held up by the good old US Embassy. It's frustrating to say the least. I guess I should have expected this but it's always difficult to hear.

So that's the update on our case. I have to take the good news with the bad and look forward to hearing positive DNA results and start planning for our trip! 4 weeks always sounds so long but hopefully it will go by quickly. In the mean time I am slowly starting on the baby's room. I made valances this past weekend and I think I may start painting this weekend. I'll post pictures as I make progress but there's nothing much to look at yet! One little step at a time but it's something to pass the time here in hellish limbo-land!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A good sign?

I checked our credit card statement online tonight and I've never been so excited to see our balance go way up! Yep, our card was charged for DNA testing today, and I'm assuming that means things are finally moving again! Does anyone know if that means they have approval to do the DNA test or that the testing has actually been done? Or does it mean nothing and I'm getting my hopes up for nothing?!?

At any rate, I'm starting to get a little freaked out and nervous about planning our visit trip. First off I'm stressing over WHEN we can go and how long we can stay. I want to preserve as much vacation time as I can for time off after actually bringing Cameron home so we were thinking about just going for a Thursday-Sunday long weekend, but is that enough time? Will we get home and wish we had spent one or two more days? And then there's the fact that neither my husband or I have ever traveled outside of the country except to drive into Canada! This is a whole new experience, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't really nervous about it. We don't speak Spanish other than a few key words and phrases here and there (though I'm trying to learn more), and though I know a lot of the hotel staff will speak English it's still daunting to be in another country when you don't speak the native tongue. On top of that, I don't know what to bring to wear, I don't know what all we'll need for the baby, I don't know what to buy as gifts for the foster mom and her family...the list goes on and on! Someone PLEASE tell me I'm getting too worked up over all of this!

I guess I'd better find some time in the next week or so to re-read other blogger's past postings regarding their travel experiences and start getting my thoughts organized! So much to think about...aaagh!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

In a better mood

I am somewhat out of my funk today but not entirely. At least for now I’m trying to stay positive and just take things as they come. A very good friend of mine reminded me that as hard as it is to be missing out on a few months of my son’s life, we still have a whole lifetime of joys ahead of us, which is so true! When my husband and I were considering international adoption we knew full well that we wouldn’t be bringing home a newborn and we decided we were fine with that. I always said that they are small for such a short time and they would be our child for the rest of their lives with so much more to experience than just "baby stuff", and that was ok. It’s funny how you forget though, and suddenly decide you want what you thought you didn’t need. He’ll be home with us soon though, and I bet a year from now I will have mostly forgotten how hard things are right now. Time does heal, that much I know!

Anyway, on another subject there has been no news on our case this week. I just checked our credit card statement and we haven’t been charged for DNA yet so nothing has happened as of yet. Hopefully we’ll hear something soon! In my positive thinking mode, if it does take a long time before we can go for our visit trip that just means we’ll be that much closer to the pick-up trip! I know the wait between the two will be the worst yet so I guess it’s a blessing if that timeframe is shortened up a bit! See, the glass is half full again! ;)

And a few people have asked me how the baby’s room is going so I’ll mention that situation. Basically it isn’t going anywhere fast, I have not done any painting or sewing, but we have some furniture at least! We found an armoire and a dresser/changing table and now I’m on the quest for a crib. It’s amazing how few stores around my area actually carry cribs or have any set up to look at. Pretty much I have seen a couple at Target (but they aren’t in stock right now because they are remodeling) and Toys R Us/Geoffrey, but they didn’t have anything too exciting. I have looked at tons of cribs online but it’s so hard to know if you’ll like something from a 2X2 inch picture on my computer screen. Anybody have any assvice in the crib selection area? We don’t want to spend a lot because he’ll be in it for such a short time, that’s about my only criteria! If you have a brand/style to recommend I am open to suggestions!