Monday, March 17, 2008

The winter of never-ending sickness

This has been a looooonggg winter for many reason. There has been a shit-ton of snow for one thing, alternating with weeks of below zero temps, add to that a stir-crazy toddler running around the house wanting to watch Elmo 24-7 for lack of anything better to do (he has learned to ignore the giant piles of toys all over the house, those are soooo last year), but to top it all off there has been "the sickness".

I can't remember exactly when it started, but it's been going on continuously all winter long with no end in sight. I'm pretty sure Cameron caught a bug at the daycare and brought "the sickness" into our home (I don't blame him by the way, we are the horrible working parents that subject our child to the germ-ridden daycare in the first place), but it's been passed around our family ever since. So first Cameron was sick for a while, then I caught the sickness, then Brian caught it. Then maybe there were a couple days there where we all felt pretty good...but that didn't last and the next thing you know one of us was sick again. I think I'm going to use up all our flex spending money on antibiotics and over-the-counter cold meds! At one point poor little Cameron had to be on nebulizer treatments for his nasty cough. Now let me tell you that stuff really works for him and his cough would improve dramatically after the treatments, but try getting a 2 year old to sit still for 7-10 minutes with a mask on his face blowing medicated air into his system. 'Nuff said.

So then last week we ended up taking Cameron in to the Dr. for the 3rd or 4th time this season (turned out he had a double ear infection, poor little guy!) and we are told that his pediatrician no longer works at that office. Wait, huh? "Didn't you get a letter in the mail?" they ask us? Um, no. So they have "assigned" him a different Dr., who seems very nice and I'm sure we will get to know and like, but in the mean time I can't help feeling really bummed out and slightly betrayed by his old dr. whom we saw just a month ago and gave no signs that she was leaving whatsoever! I really, really liked her...and now it sounds like she's gone to a different city to start her own practice. Well, good for her because she's awesome, but it sucks for us. Phooey.

So that was the bummer last week. Cameron is feeling much better though and seems to be on the mend. I'm sick again however. But then again it's Easter week and I cannot remember an Easter in my entire lifetime where I wasn't sick so I should know to expect this.

Anyway, enough of my whining for today. I'm off to medicate myself and then to bed! I'll be dreaming that Spring and good health are right around the corner!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's better, a post only 11 days after your last - and a "proper" entry too!, letting us know what's been going on with you ;)
I'm sorry to read you all are having a nasty time of it me something to worry about with our winter coming up very soon...
Hope you are turning the corner and good health on it's way with Spring.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure can relate to a household of illness. Not sure how to communicate with you. Happened upon your blog as I am in the early stages of researching adoption. A close friend is Guatemalan so we have a soft spot for the culture and the people. But as I start my research it seems all adoptions have stopped there? I have tried to sift through the articles but got confused early on. Do you have any current info if adoptions are allowed again? I have so many other questions too. If you have the time, I'd like to ask questions about your adoption we experience. Thanks! Stacy in CA

6:21 PM  

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