Monday, March 27, 2006

Overactive imagination

Does my agency realize that when they say something like "it usually takes about 10 days to get DNA results once the testing has been done" that I take this extremely literally? The word "usually" means nothing to me, they said "10 days" and it's been 10 days so where are my stinking results?!? They couldn't possibly have mean 10 business days, could they? That seams like cruel and unusual punishment to a woman who has experienced her fair share of waiting around for stuff in this lifetime. Throw me a bone here, ok? My confidence is starting to dwindle...negative and irrational thoughts are invading my subconscious...must think positive...results will come any day now...everything will be fine...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are also adopting from Guatemala, and I just wanted to let you know that if you had your DNA done thru LabCorp, you can call them yourself and they will tell you when the test was processed and sent to the Embassy. They are very nice and will usually call you back the same day.
Their number is 877-370-1129.

Hope you hear something soon.


10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be going nuts too, and thinking usually 10 means maybe 8....but more likey it means, 12-13. Sometimes the closer you get, the harder it is. Kepe us posted.


6:50 AM  
Blogger Well-heeled mom said...

Oh! I hated this. When we were in process I was obsessed with timelines. It didn't take long to figure out that there were just too many variables for them to say, "On average...". Good luck in maintaining your sanity.

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can imagine how I'd be!... Counting down every day and if anything took longer than the expected amount of days, I'd be a total wreck! Soooo am full of sympathy for you....and checking your blog daily for updates!! I keep hoping that you are going to be one of the lucky ones and everything goes through more quickly than usual.... fingers crossed for the rest of your "waits"

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the timeline... made me a bit nutty, well, nuttier than I already am :)

Cheri had a great idea. Give 'em a call, put some pressure on them.

Hang in there. It will come together soon.

12:58 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

Ok, still no news today and I'm getting annoyed. I sent an e-mail to our agency and will see where that gets me and if I don't hear any news from them I'll try calling LabCorp direct.

The timelines suck. I just keep thinking at every new step of the process that maybe just this once we won't be at the long end of the spectrum but that seems to be our luck every time. Phooey.

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any news yet Kristin? This sure is a looooong 10 days! Hope you are managing to stay sane.

6:06 PM  

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