Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Rummage sale success!!

Well our big rummage sale over the weekend was a great success! Between 3 families we made over $800 and just our family made almost $500!! Woo-hoo! So it was worth the effort I think, we exceeded my expectations. Of course it was hard seeing all those baby things go but I know they have moved on to new people who will use them and have their own memories associated with them. And for the most part our prices must have been ok because there wasn't a lot of haggling which I don't deal with well. A couple of people did piss me off royally because they wanted stuff for practically nothing, but I just kept my cool and told them take my price or leave it. Of course they did just "leave it" but I don't care. If you don't appreciate the value of my crap then get outta here! ;)

So now I'm doing some shopping to spend some of the loot on a portable DVD player for our vacation at the end of the month. That way Cameron can watch his Fr@ggle Rock DVD's all the way to Grandma's until we are ready to throw them out the window! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE those Fraggles or I wouldn't have introduced him to them in the first place, but after the 300th viewing of anything you get a little tired of it! Time to buy season 2 I guess to mix it up! "Dance your cares away, worries for another day..."