Thursday, March 06, 2008

4 Months in pictures

What's been happening since I last posted? Not a whole heck of a lot. Mostly I've been busy being a working mom, nothing out of the ordinary has really been going on. And Cameron's been growing up in a hurry, a little too fast for his Mommy's liking. Since I know you're just here for cute kid pictures I'll try to recap the past 4 months in pictures.

Cameron turned 2 in November!

He loves the movie Cars so he had a "Lightning McQueen" cake. It appears that he is blowing out the candles in this picture but he was actually coughing on the cake! Oops. (Note to self: teach child how to cover his mouth when coughing and sneezing.)

He also LOVES Thomas and has spent a lot of time playing with this train set he got for his birthday.

This was one of the first snowfalls of the know back when we thought snow was fun!

We tried to get the perfect Santa Hat picture for Christmas but this was the best I could get. Daddy's actually underneath our little Santa in PJs.

At some point this winter Cameron decided that he hated baths and would scream and cry through the entire thing until we discovered bathtub finger paints and wall stickies! Bath time has been fun ever since (thank goodness!).

Oh look, more $*&@*$# Snow!!! To entertain ourselves we put our kid to work shoveling the driveway and cleaning off our vehicles.

In February we took a vacation to (sometimes) sunny CA to visit my brother and SIL and meet my 5 month old niece Gemma. Cameron had lots of fun with his baby cousin (unless his Mommy tried to hold her in which case he became EXTREMELY jealous!). We tried to have a photo shoot of the kids together but they were both too busy staring at the TV!

And although it was the rainy season there (they live near San Jose) so it was still pretty cool in the 50s and 60s but it was about 50 degrees warmer than Wisconsin so we were loving it! Cameron had a great time playing outside and we can't wait for Spring to arrive in our neck of the woods!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! He is getting so big and he is so cute. I can't believe he is two years old already.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Kristen, how gorgeous is your son huh?!! You are right, Cameron is growing way too fast... How grownup does he look for a 2yo?! Just like my Mason - he too was babyfaced for such a short while...sigh Of course it is such fun watching them accomplish new things and discover the fun to be had.
I'm so glad you updated - the pics are just wonderful (although how about one with mommy and daddy in also?).

6:43 PM  

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