Two Weeks
I can hardly believe it but tomorrow will be 2 weeks since we took our son into our arms forever! And what a crazy, wonderful, amazing, stressful, exciting, tiring two weeks it has been! It's incredible how much Cameron has changed just in that two week span too! He definitely seems to have accepted Brian and I as his parents, or at least he trusts us as the people who will take care of his needs when he cries for us. He sleeps in his crib now in his own room and he still mostly sleeps through the night. He doesn't freak out so much anymore if we set him down to play while we pick up the house or little things like that, though we still have to stay pretty close but he's definitely more confident that we aren't going anywhere. He's significantly more comfortable with his Daddy and has even gotten used to all the fuzzy stuff on his face, though if he's tired or fussy he still prefers Mommy...but Daddy is ok if she's not around! He's figured out how to scoot around backwards and gets the funniest grin on his face as he's doing it like he's up to something! He hasn't figured out forwards yet but that will come very soon! And he's not pulling himself up yet but if you stand him up and give him something to hold onto he'll stand on his own for quite a while before he freaks out because he doesn't know how to sit himself down!The dog situation is getting better and our "naughty" dog is starting to get past her jealousy I think. I still have to watch her very closely but there's definitely been improvement. The other dog is great around him, she just tries to lick his feet occasionally! The cats are fine too and actually come over by him and allow him to "pet" them until he starts getting too grabby! It's really funny and oh so cute!Anyway...I could go on and on about my sweet little man! Parenting is definitely challenging and sometimes I wonder just what the hell I'm doing, but for the most part I think we're muddling through ok! Being a family is a wonderful thing and this time together makes all the waiting worthwile! I DO wish I had a little more computer time to keep up with all my online buddies, but I get online when I can a have been lurking more than posting. I'll get back into the swing eventually but in the mean time please know I'm thinking of you all! And as always thanks for all of your well-wishes and support!
A few pictures
Hi everyone! Just a quick update before munchkin wakes up...things are still going really great and Cameron seems to be settling in really well, and is overall just a happy little guy! We are still not falling into a real solid schedule, but that will come in time and as long as he's eating well and sleeping well that's fine by me! As for Mom and Dad, we are enjoying every minute but I would definitely say the extreme heat in our area combined with a new baby in the house has really taken it's toll, and we are feeling pretty tired by bedtime. We're not complaining though...we just have to get used to this new lifestyle!Here are a few pictures and I'll just let them speak for themselves!

Finally, we are home!
Well we're back! We got home LATE last night around 1:30 am. Cameron slept almost the entire flight from Guatemala city to Atlanta and was really good the rest of the flight then slept almost all the way from Atlanta to Milwaukee. We missed our connection in Atlanta because Delta's worst employee of the year answered our question incorrectly about a gate change to our flight (long story) so had to take a later flight out and didn't get into Milwaukee until 11:30ish. Got home and finally got bugger to bed at around 2:45am (in the pack and play in our bedroom...not his crib just yet!).
We've actually had Cameron with us since Saturday afternoon (our attorney and foster mom were able to bring him early!) and he's doing really great and even better than I could have imagined. He's eating and sleeping well and is just overall a happy little guy. Brian says he is a momma's boy but I think he just wasn't used to men so much as he was probably only ever around his foster mom and other women. I have seen him warm up to Brian more and more as the days go by, and they'll be out fishing together in no time!
Today at home has been pretty good and we are getting back to our "normal" routine that we had at the hotel. Our one dog has been super with the baby and just likes to try to lick his feet...our other dog has had a bit of a problem and has been in "time out" several times already today. I honestly don't think she's meaning to be aggressive towards him but wants to get in his face and check him out and "play" with this new thing but it's scaring the bejeesus out of me and the baby so that's been a little stressful. We'll see how this works out in a few days...any advice on acclimating an animal to an 8 month old??'s napping and I'm going to lay down for a bit. I'm running on about 3 hours sleep from last night and I'm going to crash tonight! I'll write more later and get some pictures up, I promise!
Ready to go!
We're packed (mostly), calm (somewhat), and prepared for this venture as we are ever going to be! We're leaving tomorrow super early to catch our 5:45am flight and away we go to Guatemala to get our son!We're off to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 this evening for some wind-down time and to spend our last child-free evening out and then we're off! I'll talk to you all when we get home!
We have PINK!!!
My new favorite color is definitely PINK!!We got the call this morning, we have our pink appointment and we're heading to Guatemala to bring home our son! We leave Saturday, July 8th, they will bring the baby to us on Sunday sometime, then we have our Embassy appointment on Monday the 10th. We then wait for them to process Cameron's Visa which we can pick up Tuesday afternoon, and we'll fly home on Wednesday!
Whew, I've been on the phone most of the morning coordinating everything but we've got it mostly figured out! Thank goodness I had off work today and tomorrow, we have so much to get ready! I'm off to make more phone calls and start packing! My son is coming home!!!