Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Out of the tunnel, seeing the light!

I finished our 12 month post placement report for the agency this week and, if I’m not mistaken, that is the last thing we have to complete and our adoption paperwork is DONE! Woo-hoo! Not that these post-placement reports were any big whoop, they are pretty easy to complete, except that I feel the questions they ask are a little vague and not really age appropriate (there’s one that asks something about what extracurricular activites your child is involved in, awards received, etc…umm yeah, he’s only 1 so we haven’t quite enrolled in tee-ball or spelling bee’s yet!). The hardest part was trying to pick only 8 pictures that reflect the past year with our son. Yeah, pick 8 pictures out of the 3,562 or however many I took this past year! (I go a little nutso with the digital camera, what did I ever do when I actually had film to develop?!?) But I found some that I thought were the best and off they go! I also printed out some more to send to Cameron’s foster Mom, I haven’t sent any since our last post-placement report and I’ve been feeling bad about this. I hope she eventually does receive them (I trust that my agency will forward them but once they get to Guatemala I just never know…), she won’t believe how much our little frijolito has grown! Anyway, I just had to share that one more milestone has come and almost gone!

On a different note, a rummage sale update! I finally compiled all of Cameron’s outgrown clothes and shoes and I had 3 huge totes full plus a big diaper box full of stuff! Yikes, where did all this crap come from! I did get a lot of stuff from work and a lot of it was gifts from all the various showers last summer, but I also freely admit that I went a little crazy buying clothes for him at the end of the summer clearance and over the winter. A lot of it he never even wore, how sad is that? So one of my best friends who has an 8 month old little guy came over last night and got to shop the early bird sale! She went home with a HUGE pile of clothes and a big smile on her face which made me feel much better about getting rid of it all. Now I can relive the cuteness when her little guy wears them and my friend, who is a stay-at-home-mom, saved a boatload of money on clothes for the year. It’s a win-win situation! Now if I can just get through 2 days of random strangers digging through my baby’s stuff…ack! I’ll just keep thinking “more money to buy new stuff…more money to buy new stuff…more money to buy new stuff…” :)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th!

The 4th of July has never been a big holiday for me. Not that I don't appreciate the whole Independence celebration, it's nice to see everyone show off their patriotism especially nowadays. And and I definitely enjoy the extra day off work (except when it falls on a Wednesday it sort of blows...but I'll take what I can get)! But I'm not a big fireworks lover, I hate the crowds and I HATE that the noise in my neighborhood will most likely last well past my bedtime, which will keep me awake due to the fact that my dog (who is terrified of fireworks) will be cowering near or on my head most of the night which makes it difficult to sleep.
That being said I must say that last year turned out to be an AWESOME 4th of July and now the holiday has sort of special meaning to our family. It was one year ago, on the 3rd of July actually, that we found out we had PINK and would be able to go to Guatemala and at long last bring our precious son home! I would say I remember it so well...but to be honest the whole day and week after is such a blur with so much going on! But now on this 4th of July holiday I get these warm fuzzies thinking about a year ago and how exciting that time was. After so much waiting the time had come!

Anyway, today things are MUCH different and we've spent the morning chasing our independent little toddler around the yard! He's so darn funny and cute right now but such a handful! Oh well, it's all good. Also we're trying to clean out the house and price stuff for our upcoming rummage sale. We've pretty much decided that Cameron will be our only child, and if we DID have another we'd just buy new stuff rather than pack rat all this baby stuff forever. So I've been doing my best to purge the house of clothes that Cameron's grown out of, toys that he shows no interest in, and other useless crap that we have taking up space all over the place. It feels good in a way but in other ways it is so hard to give up some things. I literally had a little breakdown this morning as I was piling up all of Cameron's outgrown 12M footie pajamas. I don't know why packing up THOSE hit harder than any of his other clothes but they did. He was just so darn cute in those pj's and could see the little scuffed knees from him crawling in them and I know he'll never be that small again. He's growing up so fast! I remember putting him in them in the fall when he was swimming in them because they were so big...and now he barely fits them and I know they won't fit at all come this fall. I know, I need to get over and move on but it's hard. I do have a little stash of special clothing items and toys that I won't get rid least not yet...but you can't hold on to everything. *sigh*

Anyway, I better get back to my purging of the house. My husband has been through this room several times giving me the "Aren't you off the computer yet?" look so I better get out and help him! Naptime is almost over!

Here's a couple pictures too (which may be scattered all over this post...I have the worst time with pictures in my posts...). My Mom and Dad got Cameron this cool jeep at a rummage sale and he loves it! It's a "Flinstone Car" as I call them, he has to use his feet to make it go. He's about an inch too short to get it to go forward really well but he's good at reverse! Mostly he just likes to open the door and climb in and out of it anyway! Then there's my cool dude wearing Mommy's sunglasses. Check out all those teeth!!