Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter grass is evil

It's now almost a full week past Easter Sunday and I'm still finding little translucent strands of plastic Easter grass all over my house! Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best housekeeper, so it's not like I've vaccuumed everyday or anything, but the vacuum has run at least once since then and somehow the stuff seems to hide from it! Whoever invented that stuff should be shot, who says candy needs a decorative bed of fake grass to sit on/sink into?? Ugh!

Oh well, at least it was a nice Easter spent with family (though colder than we would have liked...and it SNOWED...) and Cameron had a great time. He got 4 (yes, that's right 4) Easter baskets this year. One from daycare, one from mom and dad (aka the Easter Bunny), and one from each Grandma. His favorite part by far was hunting for eggs, though he definitely has a sweet tooth so the massive amounts of candy were a big plus as well! Now I have spent the week trying to ration the candy that he is consuming while not consuming too much myself. No easy task.

I know I'm a little late but here are some pictures from the holiday. (Jenn - no I'm not in any of these either because I'm always the one TAKING the to my husband about it!)
Coloring Easter Eggs...note that Cameron's fingers were actually picking up more dye than the eggs!

Who says that an Easter basket can't double as a hat? (All that candy makes a boy do strange things...)

I can't imagine HOW that Easter grass got all over the house...


Yay for Pl@y-Doh, that Easter Bunny knows what's fun! (FYI, Pl@y-Doh is evil as well...I'll be vacuuming up little tiny dried up pieces of that stuff until he outgrows it...sigh)

And it was a bit cold but we still managed to get outside and play in the sun. I think that swingset in the backyard is going to get a lot more use this year!

Monday, March 17, 2008

The winter of never-ending sickness

This has been a looooonggg winter for many reason. There has been a shit-ton of snow for one thing, alternating with weeks of below zero temps, add to that a stir-crazy toddler running around the house wanting to watch Elmo 24-7 for lack of anything better to do (he has learned to ignore the giant piles of toys all over the house, those are soooo last year), but to top it all off there has been "the sickness".

I can't remember exactly when it started, but it's been going on continuously all winter long with no end in sight. I'm pretty sure Cameron caught a bug at the daycare and brought "the sickness" into our home (I don't blame him by the way, we are the horrible working parents that subject our child to the germ-ridden daycare in the first place), but it's been passed around our family ever since. So first Cameron was sick for a while, then I caught the sickness, then Brian caught it. Then maybe there were a couple days there where we all felt pretty good...but that didn't last and the next thing you know one of us was sick again. I think I'm going to use up all our flex spending money on antibiotics and over-the-counter cold meds! At one point poor little Cameron had to be on nebulizer treatments for his nasty cough. Now let me tell you that stuff really works for him and his cough would improve dramatically after the treatments, but try getting a 2 year old to sit still for 7-10 minutes with a mask on his face blowing medicated air into his system. 'Nuff said.

So then last week we ended up taking Cameron in to the Dr. for the 3rd or 4th time this season (turned out he had a double ear infection, poor little guy!) and we are told that his pediatrician no longer works at that office. Wait, huh? "Didn't you get a letter in the mail?" they ask us? Um, no. So they have "assigned" him a different Dr., who seems very nice and I'm sure we will get to know and like, but in the mean time I can't help feeling really bummed out and slightly betrayed by his old dr. whom we saw just a month ago and gave no signs that she was leaving whatsoever! I really, really liked her...and now it sounds like she's gone to a different city to start her own practice. Well, good for her because she's awesome, but it sucks for us. Phooey.

So that was the bummer last week. Cameron is feeling much better though and seems to be on the mend. I'm sick again however. But then again it's Easter week and I cannot remember an Easter in my entire lifetime where I wasn't sick so I should know to expect this.

Anyway, enough of my whining for today. I'm off to medicate myself and then to bed! I'll be dreaming that Spring and good health are right around the corner!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

4 Months in pictures

What's been happening since I last posted? Not a whole heck of a lot. Mostly I've been busy being a working mom, nothing out of the ordinary has really been going on. And Cameron's been growing up in a hurry, a little too fast for his Mommy's liking. Since I know you're just here for cute kid pictures I'll try to recap the past 4 months in pictures.

Cameron turned 2 in November!

He loves the movie Cars so he had a "Lightning McQueen" cake. It appears that he is blowing out the candles in this picture but he was actually coughing on the cake! Oops. (Note to self: teach child how to cover his mouth when coughing and sneezing.)

He also LOVES Thomas and has spent a lot of time playing with this train set he got for his birthday.

This was one of the first snowfalls of the know back when we thought snow was fun!

We tried to get the perfect Santa Hat picture for Christmas but this was the best I could get. Daddy's actually underneath our little Santa in PJs.

At some point this winter Cameron decided that he hated baths and would scream and cry through the entire thing until we discovered bathtub finger paints and wall stickies! Bath time has been fun ever since (thank goodness!).

Oh look, more $*&@*$# Snow!!! To entertain ourselves we put our kid to work shoveling the driveway and cleaning off our vehicles.

In February we took a vacation to (sometimes) sunny CA to visit my brother and SIL and meet my 5 month old niece Gemma. Cameron had lots of fun with his baby cousin (unless his Mommy tried to hold her in which case he became EXTREMELY jealous!). We tried to have a photo shoot of the kids together but they were both too busy staring at the TV!

And although it was the rainy season there (they live near San Jose) so it was still pretty cool in the 50s and 60s but it was about 50 degrees warmer than Wisconsin so we were loving it! Cameron had a great time playing outside and we can't wait for Spring to arrive in our neck of the woods!