I can hardly believe this, but it's been exactly one year since we first traveled to Guatemala and met Cameron for the very first time! I've been thinking about it all day and it's brought back so many memories, mostly good but some sad like when I remember how horrible it was having to leave him! Now that he's been home with us for 9 months I can hardly even remember that horrible wait and it seems like he's been with us forever!
This is one of the first pictures of our son that we took that day. Wasn't he the cutest little thing?
And here he is much more recently at Easter! What a difference a year makes! Here he was "helping" to color Easter eggs!
The Easter bunny got a little out of control and brought Cameron a LOT of stuff this year. Next year she might need to tone it down a bit...but it was fun!

Lastly, this was not really an Easter present but we found it on Clearance and Cameron just LOVED it in the that it's home this is mostly what we find!