A Monday rant
I have had one hell of a day today. There were a couple of really good things that happened which I will get to at the end, but for the most part today kind of sucked. Here is a list of some things that royally pissed me off on this crappier than usual Monday:
~ I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm was set to go off and had to pee so bad that my bladder literally hurt. So then I layed there and pondered whether I should A) Get up and pee then crawl back in bed for 29 minutes knowing I will have just fallen asleep when my stupid alarm goes off, or B) Get up and pee then stay up and be annoyed because I could have possibly slept for another 29 minutes, or C) Lay in bed for 30 minutes thinking about how much I have to pee but not willing to get up and leave the warmth of my cozy bed. I chose C and then nearly pissed myself when I finally did crawl out of bed and hit the cold air!
~ After I got up I realized that my old friend Aunt Flow had come to visit during the night and when I finally did empty my bladder I proceeded to get horribly nasty cramps. (Why does this happen after I pee? Does this happen to anyone else?) Then for the rest of the day I felt crampy, bloated, headachy and tired and even my Midol didn’t seem to make it better. I need stronger drugs!
~ Along with my friend AF comes my other friend Acne! I am breaking out all over my face, especially on my chin, which is now covered in little zits. I thought acne was just a teen thing, why am I still getting this at age 31?!?
~ Then the girl I like least of anyone in my department, who I am lucky enough to sit next to, was late again this morning. She is always late and it bugs the shit out of me. I admit I am late on occasion, but I commute 30 minutes and sometimes you just can’t predict getting stopped by a train or slowed down by fog or other random delays. Plus I am salary and work tons of overtime so I figure if I get in at 8:05 but stay until 6:30 at night it’s kind of irrelevant. But this bratty little twit that I share a cube with lives 5 minutes away and has no kids, no boyfriend/husband to fight over the bathroom with, no pets to feed. There is no reason other than pure laziness that she cannot get her ass out of bed 5 minutes earlier every morning so that she can roll into the parking in time to be at her desk at 8:00! I swear she must literally leave her apartment at the time she should be getting to work! Oh, but then it gets better. After rolling in at 8:06 she proceeds to eat her breakfast at her desk while checking her personal e-mails for 10-15 minutes. Then later she goes home for a full hour lunch, after which she spends another 15-20 minutes checking her bank account online and shopping for a new car. Then at about 4:20 she pops on the internet to look up directions to the car lot she is going to after work and she is out the door at 4:29. And on her self evaluation for her year-end review she will talk about what great time management skills she has. I swear I’m going to smack her one of these days!!
~ Then on the way home from work (I didn’t leave until 5:30) it’s already pitch black outside because of stupid daylight savings. Then I get stuck between this slowpoke driving 5 miles under the speed limit and this jackass riding my tail so close that all I see is a blinding reflection from his headlights in my rearview mirror! I take a 2 lane highway home that is very winding and has a lot of traffic at this time of night so I couldn’t get past the slowpoke ahead of me and I literally had to keep slamming on my brakes so Jackass behind me would lay off! People suck!
Whew…I think my hormones are in overdrive, I just have no tolerance for this crap today! Thank goodness there were some positives to help me snap out of my funk before I was forced to run someone off the road or bludgeon my coworker to death with a Sharpie!
~ When I got home from work my husband was cleaning the house! And I hadn't even been nagging him to do so! :)
~ We got a call from our agency and they have all of the necessary paperwork to start our home study meetings. We now have a case worker assigned to us and she should be calling this week to schedule our first meeting!
~ Also, the woman at our local agency who coordinates everything with our international agency is sending out all the paperwork we need to fill out for that program to get the ball rolling there too. And she said the waiting list for boys from Guatemala is still very short and that couples are getting referrals almost immediately upon finishing their homestudy! Wow, this is all happening so fast all of the sudden! (On a side note to my friend Kim/Stillhoping, yes we are going with the same agency you used and I feel really positive about them!)
So that was my crazy day. Thank goodness the whole Monday plus AF thing doesn't happen every month or they might have to start locking me up like a werewolf during the full moon!
Sorry about the crappy Monday Kristen, but hooray about the clean house and homestudy.
I'm glad to hear you are working with our agency. I think you will be very happy with them. Are you going to request a specific gender? I'm so excited for you!
If you have any questions about the dossier, don't hesitate to e-mail me.
What a day I'm sure you'd rather have skipped - except for the last bit....
Honestly, I reckon if our body isn't going to work properly for us in regards producing babies, surely we shouldn't have to suffer AF every month....I always think it such a cruel joke....I too suffer....AND get bad skin around AF time despite being 42 years old now!!! argh!!
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