Candy is Evil
It's Trick or Treat time and that means bags and bags of "fun size" candy bars are EVERYWHERE! But what is really so "fun"about this size? It's smaller than normal and that should mean that you eat a little bit of candy...not that you eat 5 of them because it's just a little piece after all, right?
Perhaps instead of buying candy I should just buy a tub of lard and liberally apply it directly to my abs, buns, and thighs because that's where it's going to end up! It might not be as much fun for the kids who show up at my door hoping for actual goodies though.
Here's something that is fun and calorie puppy dressed for Halloween! She only had this on for about 5 minutes but it was the highlight of my weekend!
I agree, we definitely eat a good portion of the candy we hand out. Love the picture of your puppy in costume. Very cute.
omg, that is too funny. The dog doesn't seem to mind too much.
We didn't even buy any candy this year. We didn't have any trick or treaters last year, so I am assuming we won't get any this year either.
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