Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm just not ready yet!

I'm not ready for the stinking Christmas season! I don't know if anyone else noticed, but the holiday ads have started all over the place...on tv, in newspapers, catalogs, etc. Can't we just get through Halloween before they start ramming Christmas down my throat?!? My husband works retail and they are opening their big toyland tomorrow and you know there will be some crazies out there lined up waiting for the store to open so they can get the best deal of the season on whatever their little darling wants this year. I personally consider it WAY too early to be thinking about that stuff but maybe I'll feel different one day when I have a child.

Now please don't think I'm a total scrooge, I do enjoy the holiday season to some extent. It's just that every holiday season for the past 4 years has been progressively more depressing as we spent yet another Christmas and New Year as a childless couple. Somehow all those ads and "Toyland" openings just made the hurt of infertility so much worse. And I remember every year thinking that next year we for sure would either be pg or have a child, that next year just HAD to be our year. I guess that this Christmas I can say that with some degree of likelihood that it will actually come true, but I don't want to jinx it! And that still doesn't mean I want to see Christmas ads in the middle of October! Thank goodness I get to sleep late tomorrow and leave the early bird shopping to someone else...


Blogger Kim said...

I know what you mean about Christmas coming earlier and earlier every year. Its ridiculous.

Last Christmas was our fifth year of saying "maybe next year...". Unfortunately, last year we had a referral and lost a referral a week before Christmas and were devastated. But now finally we have our little guy.

Hopefully (and most likely) this will be your last Christmas saying, "maybe next year".

5:11 AM  
Blogger Foxxy One said...

Just came over from Tiff's blog - welcome to the rollercoaster ride :)

I saw Christmas decorations in August so I totally hear where you are coming from.

Oh, and stillhoping12's son is so cute!!!!!

5:59 AM  

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