Friday, September 30, 2005

Sending off the homestudy application!

We finally finished putting the application and all the various attachments together (birth certificates, proof of insurance, pet vaccinations, etc.) and are ready to send this stuff out! I am starting to have an OMG we are actually doing this moment but I know we will get through it somehow. Next up will be our actual homestudy meetings, which I'm kind of nervous about but not too bad just yet. For some reason my biggest fear is that the social worker will be some sort of animal hater and will come into our home, see our numerous pets, and immediately turn us down! I know this is probably not going to happen but these are the things I imagine could happen. Thank goodness I have been super busy at work and don't have a lot of free time to think up even worse things...though I'm sure my overactive imagination will come up with some doozey's before this is all over!

Oh, and I broke down and bought us the cutest little baby toy the other day. I felt almost guilty about it and I'm not sure why. I have every right to buy cutesy little things just like any other expectant mother, right? I have to get used to that idea, that I'm actually an "expectant mother". Crazy. I just hope things keep moving along smoothly or this expectant mother might have a breakdown and it's not gonna be pretty!


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