And a year goes by...
It's amazing how fast a year can whizz by. That's apparently how long it's been since I posted an update to this blog. I've sat down intending to writing something many times but just never felt like I had anything interesting to say. I still don't...and I'm sure not a soul checks this page anymore anyway, but maybe I'll give you a quick update just in case someone stumbles upon this page again.
So let's see, in the past year:
- Cameron has grown by leaps and sleeps in a big boy bed and is about 75% potty trained (finally....but still refuses to do #2 on the potty...any suggestions??). We've been working on the potty thing for a LONG time but something finally clicked with him. I was worried I would have to start buying Depends because he was going to outgrow his Luvs before he was trained!
- Cameron's daycare that we loved decided to close (supid friggin' crappy economy) and we had to find a new daycare. We all like the new place but it's not the's hard to leave a place that felt like home away from home to start over again. He's been going there for about 6 weeks and still is having separation issues when I drop him off in the morning which is extremely hard on mom but I know he's fine about 1 minute after I leave the parking lot. Still it's not fun and hopefully this will continue to improve over time.
- We had to have our 13 year old dog Maggy put to sleep. She was the sweetest dog and I still miss her a lot...though the squirrels in the backyard don't!
- We had to have our siamese cat put to sleep who was only around 10 and should have had a much longer life. (I was not happy with the way the vet handled the situation and though I know my kitty was sick I think there was more they could have done for him and deep down I totally blame them for the loss.)
- We adopted a new cat (Cosmo) and a new dog (Harvey) from the humane society and they have become wonderful new members of our family. Also we found a new vet that we really like.
- I found out in April that my company is closing and moving operations to Atlanta to be housed with our parent company. I could have relocated but Atlanta is not my ideal location and we're happy here so I'm done in December.
- I'm planning to go back to school in January and get into the medical field where hopefully there will actually be some jobs when I'm done. In some ways I'm excited about it, but in other ways I'm sad that my Bachelor's degree is totally going to waste as I go into a completely different field. Oh well...change is good, right?
Anyway, I can't think of much else right now, those are the highlights anyway. I'll try to check in and post from time to time but I can't guarantee it won't be another year from now! In the mean time here's a couple pictures of the boy:

This spring he got to go to his first bowling birthday party and he LOVED it. The boy loves to bowl and look at that form!

I still can't get over how big he's grown! Here is a pic from our recent trip to Nebraska to visit my Grandma.