I thought once we got out of PGN I would feel a little less anxiety and just be excited that our boy is coming home soon. But to be honest, I am feeling more stressed out right now than I can remember being since we were working on our dossier paperwork, and probably even more so than that! Don't get me wrong, I am totally psyched that we're so close now, but at the same time I have so many new things to worry about! The big one is of course WHEN will he be coming home. I know it's soon, but will it be 2 weeks from now or 4 or more?? Then I have to sort through the piles of clothes I have accumulated and figure out if I there is something more I need. We have to decide to pack, what we need for the trip home, what we'll need once he IS home, etc. What will he be eating, what toys should I have on hand, how will he adjust to us and our pets? I'm driving myself crazy here! I know we'll just have to muddle through once we have him but I'm a planner and I can't stand not being able to prepare better!
Then I have been really stressing over what gifts to bring for the foster mother and her family. She has a 6yr old son who I think I'll get a backpack for and fill with some clothes and probably some markers or colored pencils and drawing paper and things like that. Then I want to get a box of chocolates from a local place for the family. But for his foster mother specifically, who I owe so much, I am kind of stumped. I did get her a pretty photo album that I've put copies of most of the pictures the agency has sent of Cameron, some of our visit trip, and also I put the doubles from the disposable camera she gave us back when we visited. I plan to keep sending more pictures periodically for her and I hope she will keep on filling those empty pages! But I want to get her a few other things, any ideas? I was thinking of maybe a fun handbag and put in some scented lotions or purfumes or something. There's always jewelry, but we gave her a pretty watch when we were there for our visit so I wasn't sure if I wanted to go that route again. Anyone have good suggestions or what do you think of my bag idea? I need some honest opinions! Thanks in advance!
I got the foster family a TV/DVD combo. $100 at Sam's Club. They were thrilled as TV's in Guatemala are much more expensive. We just checked it as a "suitcase" on the plane. We have bought the kids a few DVD's that have a Spanish option along the way. I am also considering getting her a portable washing machine. They are from about $100-250. She washes everything by hand in the sink. I just think it would save her so much work!! Oh and on the must have toys.... get a crinkly cloth book from the baby section of Target or Walmart for the airplane. It was my daughters favorite toy. I always buy it for a baby present. It's a must have!! It's about $5. Don't forget medicine like I did my first trip. Of course she got sick and there was NO kids tylenol at the stores there. Also don't forget to get the clay heart to put the imprint of baby's feet and hands. You want those as little as possible! Oh and for the foster family kids gifts I suggest tennis shoes. Our foster mother seems very concerned about what shoes all the kids have because they aren't cheap there. Oh and one more thing. See a couple of movies this weekend. It may be awhile before you get to go again. :0)
Don't stress so much - it will all come together. I am a planner, too, so I should know. For the plane trip be sure to have a teething toy - they have such cool ones today. My son played with it the entire time. Also, we had a stuffed animal with one of those fake mirror things on it and he loved that. Very entertaining. Be sure to take extra clothing on the plane home, too. I didn't and we had an explosion poop. Not good. I can't help with gifts, as our son was in a very good orphanage instead of foster care.
I found your blog from a comment on another blog... I'm so excited for you that you will get to bring your sweet boy home soon!
I am waiting to hear we are in the black hole of PGN.
Ok - for son - some local sports stuff - hats, shirts, etc. go over huge with the kids (and Dads) over there.
For Mom - scented lotions are a hit as is jewelry (nothing too expensive - it will get stolen). I bought Dylan's foster mom a watch with interchangable bands. She really enjoyed it.
Just remember, whatever you are buying you either have to ship (expensive) or schlep with you (heavy).
I hope the next leg of your journey is short.
Oh, and to pass the time.... PACK YOUR BAGS! Seriously - I wish I started packing when I got out of PGN - it would have made my life so much easier.
Of course it is a stressful time - but it is a good type of stressful this time! I say only try and figure out what you'll need for the trip, and start packing immediately!
As long as you have a crib, car seat, high chair, stroller and at least a few changes of clothes, and of course a pack of nappies, ready for Cameron's arrival home, the rest you can sort out once back.
I LOVE your album idea. I think it will comfort her to know that you will be sending her pics of Cameron for many years to come. Angel's idea of the TV/DVD idea is a GREAT one too.
I did a post re: all the stuff you might want to bring with you for the p/u trip. It was a post in Jan or Feb of this year. You might find it helpful. For sure, I would bring meds, antibiotics, baby tylenol, an ear thermometer, and unbrella stroller.
I picked Savanna up 5 weeks after getting out of PGN.
All will work out. It's okay that you are stressed. Anyone would be. I certainly was.
One more thing...babies dirty up their clothes a lot. Either bring extras or expect to do a wash there. Make sure you bring an extra change of clothes for Cameron on the ride home. Major POOP!
I too was more stressed after we got out. For the foster mom I framed a picture of Kiley and gave her DVD of her with Kiley that we had taken on our visit trip. I also got her some cute things representing Florida, and a necklace earring set.
Is there any way to give the FM cash without it being tacky? Isn't this what she needs more than anything? That way she can buy what's needed for her family. I'm sending a package down and thinking I'll include cash in an envelope. I heard that the FM's have to pay for diapers and formula themselves. I'll also send a little album, pajamas, stretchy pants and a couple of toys. Kathleen
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