Happy 6 Months Cameron!
Ok, his 6 month b-day was actually yesterday but I didn’t get a chance to post. I can’t believe our little boy is a half a year old already! I miss him so much and I just can’t wait until we can go back and bring him home forever! I’m praying that things in PGN start moving, not just for our sake but for all families who are waiting to bring their little ones home! In the mean time, happy "half" birthday baby, we’ll see you very soon!
Happy 6mth birthday to Cameron. May he be in your arms again...forever...very soon Kristin.
Things are moving again in PGN so it won't be much longer! I hope it goes real fast for you!
I just want some updated pics myself! We haven't had any since 10 days old and now he's 2 1/2 mos. I'm checking my email a gazillion times a day!
Happy Birthday Cameron! Mommy will have you home very soon, I just know it!!
I HATED watching those months come and go. Just when I think I'm ready to adopt again and "I know what to expect so it'll be easier this time", I read these blogs and all those emotions come flooding back.
Happy 6 month Cameron! I hope he's in your arms soon! Do me a favor, please email me - I have to ask you something.
Happy birthday Cameron. Hurry and come home!
Happy 6 Month Birthday, Cameron!
Come on home soon, okay?!
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