Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A quick update

Sorry I've been MIA but it's been busy in my world. My New York trip was fast and chaotic but we got some stuff accomplished there. And I got to hang with my brother and SIL for a while which was super nice. I don't think I mentioned it before, but it turned out they were in NY at the same time as I was for vacation which was just the weirdest coincidence! They live in the San Francisco area and I'm in WI making it hard for us to get together, so it was really neat to be able to hook up with them in the big city! I wish we lived closer but unfortunately that's not the case.

Then my baby shower on Saturday was really nice and we got at TON of stuff! Once again I am so amazed at people's generosity, especially when babies are involved! Plus there were a lot of people there, I think I counted almost 30 people and that didn't even include some of our family and friends who will be invited to yet another shower that my husband's family is throwing later on! So we could potentially rake in a ton more loot before all is said and done! Cameron is one lucky little boy!

In adoption news, we finally got confirmation that our case entered PGN on April 28th which is great news! Unfortunately, we have been warned that there is a new person heading up PGN who apparently is not fond of adoptions and has said he won't be passing cases through quickly. Per our agency he feels that they are full of fraudulent documents and is telling his people to go over cases very closely. We have been told us to expect 4-6 weeks minumum time frame to be in PGN and not to be surprised if it takes much longer. So I'm psyched about that as you can imagine. As always it seems like we're finally getting somewhere then run into a brick wall. I'm trying to stay positive and hope for the best but at the same time I'm bracing myself for the worst. We'll see how this all turns out!


Blogger Tiff said...

I am glad you got to see your brother and sil in NY...that is so cool that they were there at the same time.
Welcome back!

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad the NY trip went well and you got to see your fam. Sounds like the shower was wonderful. I hope you will post some pictures of your loot. I've got all my fingers crossed that you will still make it through PGN quickly.

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a nice bonus it was catching up with your brother and SIL in NY. I'm so pleased that you finally got to experience a happy babyshower - one that was specially for you! About time.
I so very much hoping you will be in PGN for the bare minimum time.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old timer - from long ago - you may not remember me from all of the other boards - I dropped off when my neice came to live with me in seattle. I am getting ready to go to india for ivf - I was checking in on you.... of course ... would love to catch up.


10:10 AM  
Blogger chirokathleen said...

It makes me it that the new director is less than enthusiastic about adoption. (To put it nicely!) We're at that just-accepted-referral stage living in the Atlanta area. Do you have a GUA adopt group in your area? That can really help b/c you get to see parents who brought children home during the Hague Fiasco. I hope you have smooth sailing from here on out!

5:04 AM  

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