Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I miss my boy

Ok, don't laugh at me now, have a confession to make. Since we have come back from Guatemala to visit Cameron I go into his room at least once, sometimes several times a day, and just look around. I look through all his cute little clothes, his fun new toys, all of his stuff, and I just imagine him playing there. I turn on his little crib aquarium thingy and I listen to the music and watch the the lights and bubbles and I actually find it soothing so I know he's going to love that thing! I smell all the baby lotions I got from my shower, I even smell the diapers (clean ones, not dirty!) and those smells remind me of his sweet little baby smell.

Why do I torture myself this way?

Please Mr. PGN, sign our papers so our boy can come home! I miss him so much it hurts.


Blogger Well-heeled mom said...

There's no reason to laugh at you. I'm guilty of the same thing and even admit to breaking down and sobbing during our 18 week stint with Mr. PGN. He is a very mean man.

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ARE torturing yourself, but I would do the same thing too. Once our nursery was done, before A. was born, I would go and sit in there and look around....didn't go as far as smelling things, hahahah, but I know where you are coming from.

You will be in my PGN thoughts..

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No laughter from me either...I did exactly the same thing whilst waiting for Mason. It's not unhealthy, I think it is a wonderful way to take a little pleasure during the long wait. Sure it may leave you in tears...but the joy whilst daydreaming is worth it. I do feel for you, as at least I had a date for Mason's arrival (give or take no more than 2 weeks). Andy and I have everything crossed that you will get PINK very very soon. (I think I've got that 'terminology' right, I've been trying to educate myself on the adoption process!)
btw are you ready to show us nursery pics yet? :)

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

every day... i am in there every day! but four days ago we got our approval and are waiting for pink.

2:46 PM  

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