Monday, June 12, 2006


I'm sorry to be a whiner but I need to vent a little bit again. PGN sucks. I was SO happy when I heard that our case had entered PGN, because getting into PGN means you are ALMOST THERE! But of course, as is our luck with anything lately, about the time we get into PGN it slows down to almost a standstill with no end in sight. And the more I read about this whole PGN mess the more upset I get. I have been scouring the internet lately looking for some signs of hope that things are moving again and all I see is more bad news. It's so depressing. I read today (don't know if it's true or not) that there is something like 700 cases currently in PGN and I have not heard of any getting out recently. It appears that PGN has become this black hole where hundreds of cases go in but only a select few ever get out. It's so incredibly frustrating to say the least. I don't know what the cause of it is, but I'm just praying that my little boy gets out soon (as well as all the other children waiting to go home to their forever families)! I miss him so much!

Two people from our agency were in Guatemala this past week visiting so I was hoping for an update on our case today and maybe some news regarding the status of PGN. All we got was "Your case was still in PGN as of Wednesday." Gee, thanks. They did see our little guy however, and we got a nice update of our boy's progress! His foster mom said he is a happy, calm baby and he's now eating some fruits and vegetables. She said he is sitting up with some assistance and likes to "walk" in his walker (I wish I could see that...too cute). She also said he "likes to throw things", I'm so proud! Hehehehe! They also sent a few pictures but none of them are very good which stinks. I LIVE for those pictures and these I opened and was like "Is that our kid?" because they were all of the side of his face, or blurry. There is one out of 4 that's somewhat decent but it's dissappointing. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that they took the pics and sent them for us, but I think they need a little training in how to photograph squirmy children or something! They supposedly took some video of him too though which they'll mail out once they get it all sorted out and burned to dvd. I can't wait for that, and I'm so thankful to have these little "treasures" to document the time that we are missing from our little boy's life. Now come on Mr. PGN, start signing off on some of those cases! Maybe I should send him a copy of the video to remind him of why he is there?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really feel for all the children and their forever families waiting waiting waiting...with no time frame whatsoever. It stinks! Doesn't Mr PGN understand this is about the lives of innocent children, and that it needs to be sorted immediately?! You are so right, it sucks and I can totally understand you finding this very depressing. I'm still hoping so hard that your wait will be over very very SOON.

I'm sorry the pics weren't good, lets hope the video is much better. Have you been able to send a disposable camera to Cameron's foster family - for them to fill and pass on to you when GOTCHA day finally arrives? I can well understand you needing "documentation" of his time away from you.

Thinking of you and your little boy. hugs

8:30 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Kristin, I'm so sorry things are this way for you and everyone else who is stuck... I just can't believe that these people are toying with so many lives. It's so unfair and I hope they get the lead out very soon.

5:02 AM  
Blogger Well-heeled mom said...

There is nothing fair about the adoption process in Guatemala, except that they are thorough to a fault. It's nice to know that what happened in Cambodia will never happen there. I guess even though it's hard to wait, we should be thankful it's on the up and up.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Kristin. Every time I read about the slow down my heart sinks for you. I wish I could do something to help. Please know I'm thinking of you.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Tiff said...

Keep that chin up will happen. I know, the wait!!

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the video is better. I KNOW how important those pics are.

PGN, let this baby boy OUT!

1:28 PM  

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