Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The longest drive home ever!

So this afternoon I was obsessively checking my home e-mail account from work (I do this about 8 times a day), and I finally found in my inbox the message I have been waiting for. A message from our agency, subject line: Pictures. OMG, my heart started racing! I frantically tried to open the files, I waited as the little hourglass turned over again and again…”Uploading File” my computer said…then suddenly “Unable to Open Files”. WHAT THE $&*#???

Apparently the files were too big for my dinky little remote inbox or something because it just totally froze up. Stupid e-mail account. Stupid *$^&!$#& computer. I tried again and the same thing happened. At this point I am frantic and ready to hit my monitor with a baseball bat. Thank goodness it was almost quitting time! So I left work 2 minutes early, even though I should have stayed late because I have a lot of work piling up on my desk, and I raced home! I have a half hour commute on a normal day, I think I made it home in about 22 minutes! I literally ran in the house causing my husband to wonder where the fire was or what in the world was wrong with me! I simply said “We have pictures!” and he totally understood of course! We opened up e-mail and there he was, our sweet little angel boy’s face! He’s so adorable, I can’t even tell you how cute he is! I immediately started crying of course and dh just hugged me. It was an amazing moment to see our son for the first time. Simply incredible.

And now I’m sorry to be a tease and tell you that I have pictures when obviously I haven’t posted any. I’m afraid I just don’t feel comfortable posting pictures on my blog until I know he’s ours for real. Don’t hate me…I know you all understand. But trust me he’s a cutie!

Now we are STILL waiting on our I-171H. I know, it’s only been like 2 mail days since I was whining about this the last time but come on already! We did get our passports today so that’s something at least. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for more goodies tomorrow!


Blogger Erica said...

Oh! I'm so glad you finally have pictures! I remember that emotion so well, trembling, crying, with joy!

Congratulations! Wishing you a speedy 171H and anything else you need to get going!

6:24 AM  
Blogger Tiff said...

I TOTALLY understand! I am so glad that you finally got to see him though! (((HUGS)))

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How crazy that drive home must have been.. Thankfully it was toward the end of the day....imagine in the morning....you would have had to go home "sick". That much closer to having cameron in your arms! wooohooo!

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! Finally some pictures! I can't wait to see them but understand why you need to wait. I'm glad I wasn't on the road at the same time you were! (smile)

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just gotten home from our vacation and had to rush to the computer to see if there was any new updates on your blog.

I teared up reading of the wonderful news that you have seen pictures of your precious baby. I'm so happy for you, and totally understand you not sharing them on the net at this stage.

I'm off to tell Andy now of your good news....

ps I bet you look at those pics VERY often every day!!

10:31 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I am so excited about finding your blog! We are adopting from Guatemala also! I cannot wait to have the "picture experience!" Thank you so much for sharing your journey!

6:24 AM  

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