I wish I had something to talk about...
Well...I really have nothing new to talk about today. I have actually been in kind of a funk so far this week and I'm just really tired and crabby. I think now that we are full force into the waiting game portion of this adoption I'm hitting a bit of a depression stage. It was all such a rush to get everything done and sent out and now suddenly we have nothing to do but wait and wonder what is happening. Things are no longer within my control and I don't like it! And no, we still have not gotten any pictures or updates on our son which is just adding to my frustration.
And of course we were so excited when we got our referral that we told EVERYONE about the baby, which is now turning around and biting me in the butt since people keep asking if we've heard anything. And though it's nice that people are excited for us and care what's happening, it just makes me more crabby because over and over again I have to say "no news". I knew this would happen too...I should have known better...but I couldn't keep our good news a secret any longer! Oh well.
In the mean time I am trying to decide how I want to do the baby's room. I say how "I" want to do it rather than "We" because my husband doesn't seem to care very much. I wish he would show a little more interest but ok, fine. So I am on the fence about going with a Winnie the Pooh theme and using all of the Pooh stuff I already own (which is a lot...I have always loved Pooh and have quite a collection), or go with something completely different. I found a cute crib set at Target that is the Classic Pooh collection that I really liked, but now I'm afraid it is discontinued because online it looks like a lot of it is out of stock and at our store there was hardly anything on the shelf. Typical. So then my next idea was to do something like a jungle theme with cute jungle animals and stuff and I have seen a lot of varations of this theme out there. This is probably what I want more than the Pooh stuff which I am a little sick of, but I'm also thinking about saving money and using the Pooh theme would be cheaper since I have so much decor already. Ah, decisions, decisions. I guess I'll just have to do some shopping and some pondering and figure out what I want to do! Any suggestions?!?
sooooo have you heard anything more? ;)
sorry, couldn't help myself...
I can imagine how you are feeling... You've worked so hard to get this far, and now there is nothing more that you can do to bring your son into your arms, it's totally out of your hands, you just have to be patient...yeah sure - NOT!
Meanwhile obsessing over nursery decor is a great thing for you to do. We went for a sort of jungle/circus animal theme, not that Aussies really "do" "themes", just a few touches is all. But seeing as you have time to kill, I say go all out! I say, save the Pooh, go for something new, and make a crib quilt whilst you are at it. Forget about trying to get hubby interested, don't worry about him, his attitude is normal, I'm sure he will enjoy seeing the changes you make (and help on the big stuff?) and will be more enthusiastic when he has actually seen his son.....men!!!!
hang in there girl
big hugs from downunder
I know the "slump" all too well. Yeah, I agree w/ Aussie Jen-- don't bother getting hubby involved in the decor-- do your own thing with it! I think it would be GREAT if you "quilted" the comforter. You've got amazing talent. It really helped me to get involved in "crafty" things to keep my mind off the wait too. Hange in there. I know it's rough.
Kristin, I've been clicking on your blog each day, and thinking how frustrated you must be, not getting any news!
I'm so sorry, and I was right where you were in late November, climbing the walls! Have you talked to your agency, and asked them to send the attorney or someone else to take pictures of the baby? I really feel for you in this wait, it's awful.
Regarding nursery, I think either theme is wonderful, Pooh is so cute, and they do have white Pooh 3-in-1 cribs, I think we're going to buy two of those.
Regarding husbands, I have the opposite problem, he has too many opinions! I can't do anything without consulting with him first, picking paint colors is like a knock-down battle! I'm not sure which one is better, LOL.
Hang in there girl, anytime you want to obsess about obsessing, you know where to reach me. Things will get better, but when they're tough, they are REALLY tough.
I say, do what you want with the theme. You've waited a long time for this so you should have fun with it. Our Little Suzy's Zoo theme was also discontinued but we bought a ton of brand new stuff cheap off E-Bay. Just a thought.
Sorry about the slump. But hey, you are about 1 month closer. If that helps at all. I hope you get some pictures soon.
Hello. Well, I know it can be frustrating when the dh isn't totally into it...Rich was kind of like, whatever you want, which was both good and bad....
I would do the jungle animals, b.c that is what we have....hhahaha, hence, I like it! I did use a lot of the stuffed animals I ahd, jungle themed ones from when we were dating, but it's nice ot start new with something you like...have fun, and I will hope for you that the time passes quickly.
I'm not a Pooh fan, so I'd definitely go with the jungle idea. Make it unique! :)
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