Nursery Idea
TGIF!! I'm so exhausted, this has been a long week! We still have no updates on our son. We are trying to be patient but is this normal?? I know someone (I think Kim) told me they never even saw a picture of their son until they went to visit so I guess it could be. At least we know the agency staff is traveling to Guatemala next week so we *should* find out something when they get back if not while they are there.
In the mean time I am still pondering the nursery situation. I pretty much decided the room needs a change so I'm not going to do Winnie the Pooh. It's adorable, but since I have plenty of time I want something new and different. And about a year and a half ago I got the cutest fabric to make a baby quilt for my dear friend Kerri and I liked the print so much I went back and bought what was left on the bolt! I didn't realize I had so much of this print until I went through my stash, but I have almost 4 yards so I think that's plenty to do something with in the room. My only concern is that the colors are TOO bright and obnoxious. So I scanned a picture of the print and the stripe fabric I have to coordinate with it and I'm looking for some honest opinions. I would tone it down with some other solid fabrics or less busy prints but is it still too much?
It is VERY bright but if you have other solid colors next to it it should be fine. Babies love bright primary colors. It think it will work out fine.
I love the fabric. Truthfully, how much of the fabric is used in the room? A blanket, curtains, crib sheets??? I think it would be a really nice accent to a room especially if you pick a muted paint.
Bernie...If I'm being honest that comment does strike me as pretty rude. Maybe you shouldn't drink and blog? I guess I asked for an opinion however and you shared yours.
Just to clarify, I am not wallpapering the room with this fabric, it would just be my theme/accent. I figured some of the print would be incorporated into the curtains and a blanket but mostly I would use other fabrics that coordinate for everything else. Also I was thinking of a nice yellow or light green or blue for the paint color. I just really like bright colors, I'm not pastel kind of person I guess. The more I look at "traditional" nursery room themes the more I realize that!
Personally I think that is how more nurserys should be need bright fun are only a kid once....make it FUN!
Kristin, I love bright rainbow colors, and I think you should do whatever makes you happy! The baby will love it!
The fabric reminds me of the mayan blankets. Very colorful.
Regarding what is normal with pictures and updates: I interviewed many local (washington DC area) agencies that had a Guatemala program. One of them provided black & white photocopy pictures of the baby at referral, and then nothing for the rest of the adoption process. My current agency, has several updates per month, with medical updates and photos.
I think it goes from one extreme to another, and it depends on whether the agency has staff in Guatemala or just relies on the attorneys for updates.
I am so sorry you don't have pictures of your boy yet, you must be going insane. I fervently hope they get you some next week, after their visit. Have you talked with them about what to expect regarding medical updates and pictures?
I know how anxious you must be, and I just wanted send you my warm thoughts and support...
Love the fabric - the animals AND the beautiful bright rainbow colors. I would have loved it for Mason's room... In fact a very kind lady did make an alphabet quilt for Mason that has a similar bright rainbow print bordering each letter/picture. We have it up in our living room at the moment - just above Mason's stash of toys!...that's how much we like the bright cheerful colors. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with the fabric, and seeing pics of the room (I just love peeping into other nurseries!)
Good luck with getting more information AND a picture of your baby after the agency's visit.
You KNOW I love it, I think it will look awesome and I can't wait to see how it comes out....get started, hahahha, I am so anxious to see your talent once again!
You wrote --
My only concern is that the colors are TOO bright and obnoxious.
You were right.
;/ Kim
I think it would make adorable accents in the room! A quilt or valance would be great in those fabrics.
Well...I'm definitely using the fabric even though a few people out there think I will have an obnoxious nursury from which my child will be running in fear. He'll be fine. Mommy does know what she's doing once in a while.
Over the weekend I bought some blue and green fabrics that coordinate really well and totally tone down the brightness of the print, so no worries to you colorphobics out there! It's awesome and I can't wait to get started!
If "Mommy knows what she's doing" then why did Mommy solicit "honest" opinions from others? Seems to me you only wanted validation for what you were going to do anyway. That's fine, but next time don't pretend you want honest opinions. Instead say "only post if you agree with me; otherwise I'll get snippy"
;/ Kim
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