Monday, September 04, 2006


It simply amazes me how fast kids change and grow when they are in this less than one year category. Cameron is now 9 ½ months old and I can’t believe how much he’s changed since he came home at 7 ½ months. And just over the past couple of weeks there have been so many milestones in his life (and ours) and we are about to have even more in the next week’s time.

First of all, and the most fun milestone, is that the boy is mobile and is crawling all over and pulling himself up on anything he can. He’s cruising around furniture and sometimes he manages to transfers from one piece of furniture to another, doing so with just stealth that I never seem to see him do it, he is just suddenly somewhere else when I look for him! This of course is making it a lot more challenging for us to keep an eye on him while doing other things around the house. We do what we can but our house is kind of a mess. Ok, it was usually messy before we had Cameron, but now we have a better excuse for the clutter! ;)

Another milestone was staying home with a babysitter for the first time. This was eventful not only for Cameron but also for his mommy who was a little stressed over leaving him for the first time…but I made it through ok! Our friend’s daughter is babysitting every other Sunday night when we have our couple’s bowling league. She’s great and we trust her completely and Cameron seems to like her very much so that makes things much easier! It sounds like everything was totally fine so I guess I don’t have an excuse to quit bowling yet! And now this weekend he stayed with his Grandma and Grandpa for the afternoon and evening while hubby and I were at a friends wedding and again everything was fine. I guess he does survive without his mommy…but he’s still happy to see me when I get home!

Then kind of a crappy milestone was Cameron’s first cold that he caught about a week and a half ago. He was sniffly and congested for a few days then Daddy caught it and then I caught it and the version I got was worse than the two of them combined! Now I know that parenting is a 24/7 job but I realized the true meaning of being a mother when I got sick and felt like I was going to die but still had to take care of my sweet little munchkin as well. That first day of my illness was a bad one...I almost called my husband to come home from work and take care of both of us but I decided I needed to buck up and deal! Of course I am STILL sniffling and sneezing quite a bit but thankfully Cameron was fine after just a few days. It did give us an excuse to go the
T@rget and buy him the cutest Froggy humidifier! It’s too cute!

Anyway…tomorrow is the big one…Mommy is going back to work! Yuck. Ok, actually I’m pretty ready to go back because my brain is getting soggy, and besides that I just know Cameron is going to do fine at the daycare. I was having a lot of guilt over it for a while but thanks to so many positive comments regarding my last post and some heart to heart talks with friends I have come to realize that this is all going to be ok. And as I’ve said before I think he really needs to get out of the house, away from me all the time, and have some interaction with other children instead of with dogs and cats at our house! We did take him to visit the daycare for the second time this past Friday and all the kids were in the gym (this daycare is an old elementary school so they have an entire gym to play in) so we went in to "observe" and he was having so much fun watching the other kids playing that he didn’t really want to leave! So I know he's going to do fine. Tomorrow I go back to work but he’s home with his Daddy all day (good luck Daddy…) then Wednesday he starts daycare for half a day then Thursday and Friday the whole day. I’m anxious to see how things go and I think he’s going to really like it... but hopefully he’ll be happy to come home at night and see us too!

Anyway, here's a couple more pictures of our little cutie pie (and me too)! I'll fill you all in soon to let you know how the transition is going!


Blogger Irshlas said...

Congratulations! I've been following your blog for some time but have been just a lurker. We've just accepted our referral for a little boy from Guatemala. I've been living vicariously thru your blog :-)

Best wishes!

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh NO!!! A out mommy, now the fun really begins!

I do hope the back to work transition went smoothly, and both Cameron and mom are okay with it.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Alleen said...

He's too cute!!!!! Oh no, mobile now.... look out. You look so happy with him!

7:01 AM  

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