Saturday, August 05, 2006

I'm still here...

Wow, it's been a long time since I wrote anything...what a slacker! It's been a busy couple of weeks and time is flying by! I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since Cameron was placed in our arms forever! What a wonderful 4 weeks it has been!

Our little guy is still doing great and he seems very well adjusted and happy in his new home. Mommy and Daddy are adjusting as well, and I think we're finally feeling like a real family and I don't have as much anxiety that someone is going to take him away from us anymore. The boy's schedule is still all over the place but we're working on it. Some days he takes 2 good naps and other days hardly at all...and naptimes and bedtimes are a little sporadic. The worst part is getting him to go to sleep at night because we've gotten to this point where he can't/won't go to sleep unless I rock him and then lay him in his crib after he's fallen asleep in my arms. If we just lay him down awake he cries bloody murder and won't settle down until I pick him up again! I know he didn't do this for his foster mother...she said he would just fuss a little then fall asleep but when we were in Guatemala with him he wouldn't sleep unless I rocked him and now it's just carried over to home...I think we have created a monster! And I've been so worried about letting him "cry it out" because I didn't want him to feel abandoned by his new parents, but now that it's been a month we're feeling like he should be confident enough that we aren't going to leave him and we're working on getting him to go to sleep by himself. Naptimes are not as much of an issue for some reason, it's just a night that he's needing this so we're letting him cry a little at night and working up to *hopefully* him eventually falling asleep with just a little fussing at night. Wish us luck...listening to him cry is tough stuff!

Other than the sleeping thing, which to me given the circumstances is very minor, he's doing so wonderfully! He's getting more and more mobile all the time, he's scooting around a lot more and loves to stand up while being held by us or holding on to furniture. Yesterday he started trying to pull himself up on the coffee table too and he can almost do it by himself! It won't be long and he'll be getting into everything! We've got to finish childproofing the house ASAP!

Also, he went to the doctor last week who said developmentally he's right on target and is doing all the right things and making all the right sounds for his age. He's a little small compared to the stander US charts, but she charted his growth based on his check-ups in Guatemala and said he's growing at a good rate so he's doing fine and may just be a little smaller which we knew anyway. She ran tons of tests just to screen him for a million different things and since we haven't heard anything we're assuming all was ok. We'll get the results soon but she said she would call only if here was a problem. So no news must be good news, and overall he's a healthy little boy and doing great! Yay!

Anyway, that's all for today and I'll leave you with a few more pictures!

First we became buds with the Puppy Molly is our good friend too!

I bet this "baby boat" will be more fun in Grandma's pool...but it's also fun in the living room!

Standing is fun...but I can't wait to get these legs moving!

What do you mean this isn't it's intended purpose?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been following your story for a while, but I think this is my first comment. :)

I'm glad that Cameron is doing so well. He sure is cute.

I like the picture of your cat and the saucer... Our cat used to dangle from the seat and knock balls around on the base. Very amusing! *lol*



9:51 PM  
Blogger Tiff said...

Aww...glad to hear that things are going so well...besides the sleeping. Thanks for the update AND the pics! cute.

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristin you are not alone with sleeping being an issue - Mason was rocked to sleep for a long long time, despite me reading he should be put down awake. In the end it is up to your own instincts - each child is different and is needy in different ways. Once Mason adapted to putting himself to sleep, his naps got better too. Meanwhile it sounds like you are doing marvelously with Cameron.

Love the pics, he is such a cutie.

5:23 PM  

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