10 Months Old
I can hardly believe it but my little boy turned 10 months old on Friday! He’s getting around much faster nowadays and we have to keep a lot closer eye on him! He’s figured out that crawling business like a pro and he’s off to the races! He likes to chase the kitties around but unfortunately for him (fortunately for them) they are still too quick for him! He’s cruising around the furniture quicker too…and though he hasn’t quite mastered standing alone yet his balance is improving every day! He’s walking behind his little ride on/walk behind car and he thinks that is great fun! And in addition to all the physical development, his personality seems to be just blossoming and he gets cuter and funnier all the time. It’s sad that he’s growing up so fast but it’s so fun to see him change and learn new things all the time!
Going back to work was hard, on me especially, but we’re adjusting well. Unfortunately the first week I was back he got sick with an ear infection and sinus infection so he missed 2 days of daycare and my husband and I each stayed home with him one day. So I was back at work 2 days then took a sick day already! Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do! Poor little guy. But after 2 days of meds he was feeling much better and finally went to his first day of daycare. I was pretty much a total wreck when I went to drop him off, but Cameron was just fine and the little shit didn’t even cry when I dropped him off, he was too busy checking out all the new and interesting toys and all the other kids! I called once during the day to check on him and they said he was fine so he made it through the first day with no problems! He seems to really like the daycare, his teachers, and especially the other kids and wide variety of activities. It’s definitely been nice for me to be back at work and have some interaction with other adults! I felt guilty leaving him but now that we’re all getting settled into a routine it seems to be going good. I like my job and until I find it’s not worth it anymore than I’ll keep plugging away at the career and mommy thing. Besides, it is so incredibly rewarding to come home to my little smiling boy who can’t wait for mommy to pick him up! We all appreciate our time together that much more!
So there’s a little update in a nutshell! Other than that there isn’t much excitement in our lives. Oh, I did have a birthday on Thursday but at this age I find that it doesn’t really matter much anymore. The only thing that did strike me about this birthday is the fact that it was one year ago that day that I called the adoption agency to let them know we wanted to start the home study process. That seems like so long ago...what a difference a year makes! All the stress and uncertainty of those years of infertility and the paperwork and waiting game of adoption is behind us and we are finally a family! Being a mommy is the best birthday gift a girl could receive, I am truly blessed!
YOu got your husband to stay home with him one of the days??? Please, do tell how!
I can't believe he's 10 months already! He is so handsome in that picture with his cute little khaki pants. I'm glad work and daycare is going good!
10 mos ?! Wow, time does fly. Cameron is adorable. You can tell in the pic that he likes to laugh. Glad he is adjusting to day care.
And, happy belated birthday!
Firstly, what a gorgeous boy Cameron is - very cute pic!
Secondly. a belated Happy Birthday to you Kristin, I bet you felt you already had the best pressie ever!
I'm so pleased Cameron is enjoying his daycare. He sounds rather like my Mason at that age, in his development (walking behind his toy blah blah blah)and loving the interactions with others at daycare. Pity that he was sick your first week back to work, but you and your hubby handled it and it was a good indication of what the first year(s) out and about can be like!
I still feel some guilt on the days Mason is feeling clingy, but mostly I know that me going out to work, and Mason surrounded by a bunch of other kiddies and doing fun stuff is the best thing for our family. Hopefully you will find the same.
He's like a little man in that outfit :)
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