Wednesday, December 14, 2005


My friend Kim has tagged me in so I will give this a try!

Seven things to do before I die (not in order of priority):

1. Become a mom (almost there!)
2. Learn to speak another language
3. Learn to play the guitar
4. Teach my husband how to fold clothes properly
5. Build a big house and move out into the country
6. Lose weight and actually keep it off
7. Go on a cruise

Seven things I cannot do:

1. Knit or crochet
2. Draw freehand
3. Play any musical instrument
4. Not eat any kind of baked good or junk food item that is presented to me
5. Do math without a calculator
6. Lose weight and actually keep it off (see above)
7. Drive a stick shift vehicle

Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. His stunning blue eyes
2. His sense of humor
3. His ability to calm me down when I'm freaking out about something
4. His caring personality
5. The way he tells me he loves me all the time, even when I have been in a bitchy mood all day
6. I know he will do just about anything for me
7. He's just so darn cute!

Seven things I say most often:

1. Hey guys, what's happening? (In the tone of the boss from Office Space)
2. Gotta go outside? (to my dogs)
3. Good girl! (again...dogs)
4. Holy crap!
5. Molly, Maggy...Come here!
6. What?
7. I'm tired

Seven books (or series) I love:

1. The Harry Potter Series
2. Any mystery novel by Mary Higgins Clark
3. Childhood Fave: Charlotte's Web
4. The Lord of the Rings
5. Novels by Nora Roberts
6. Little House on the Prairie series (another childhood fave)
7. Lillian Jackson Braun's "The Cat Who..." series (Is that dorky? My mom got me into those books!)

Seven movies I watch over and over again:

1. All three Lord of the Rings movies - The extended DVDs of course!
2. Sleepy Hollow (with Johnny Depp)
3. Saving Silverman
4. Office Space
5. A Knight's Tale
6. Notting Hill
7. All of the Harry Potter movies

Seven people I'm curious about that I'd like to join in:

This is really tough for me since I don't know of many people who actually read my blog but haven't been tagged already! I'll pick the one person I know of...
1. Dennise (Though she may be busy getting ready for her trip to visit her little girl!)

Then there are a couple people who read my blog but don't have their own...perhaps it's time to start one? (Or just give your answers as a comment to this post!)
2. Aussie Jenn
3. Kerri

I'll just stop there...but if you DO read my blog feel free to post a comment so I know and then I'll add you to the list below!


Blogger Kim said...

I can't drive a stick either. I always get teased about that.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Dennise said...

I will do it today!!! Yikes

9:19 AM  

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