The big let-down
Tonight's post was supposed to be one of relief letting everyone know that our homestudy was indeed complete. Unfortunately, our social worker called at 3pm (our meeting was set up for 5pm) to say she had a family emergency and had to postpone our home visit. Now while I was deeply disappointed and crabby about this, I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was upset and I do hope everything is ok. So now with the holiday weekend we have to wait until next week to reschedule, and due to mine and dh's schedules it won't be until Friday or Saturday. Ugh! At least it isn't as though we are all done with the dossier paperwork and waiting for the home study to be done...we are just starting all of that so it isn't that big of a deal...I just wanted to be DONE!! Oh well, shit happens I guess!
So at least our individual meetings on Sunday seemed to go well. It seems so weird to talk about so much personal stuff with a stranger but our SW is very nice and made it pretty painless. It was a pretty long meeting though, I think she talked to me for almost an hour and a half! She didn't talk to my husband for as long, I'm not sure what that means exactly, but she didn't seem to have any major concerns.
Anyway, I think tomorrow afternoon (our office is closing at noon) I'll work on filling out more paperwork and next week we should be able to compile the rest of the reference letters and documents we need for the dossier (I say with fingers crossed). So things are coming together slowly, though I'm sure something else is bound to go wrong before we get through this step. I know I should think positive, but I also know what our track record is...seems like there is always something that comes up (tonight being case in point)! Oh well, one day at a time, right?
Thank goodness we decided to "just adopt". ;)
**UPDATE 11/23 - We found out what happend with our social worker...she HAD A BABY! Obviously I knew she was pregnant from looking at her (which bothered me slightly but I got over it), but she didn't seem very big so I am thinking she went in early. I spoke to the receptionist at our agency about everything and it sounds like she is still planning to finish our home study, just not until later next week. So we'll see how this drama unfolds and hope that we can get this sucker done and put to rest soon!
Gee it certainly isn't "just adopting" is it?!! So much involved.... I guess for very good reason, but much personal stuff has to be revealed!
Good luck with finishing getting all your dosier together and I hope the home study goes ahead by the end of next week. (did I get the all the terms correct?)
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