Thursday, January 18, 2007

No more bottles and other Big Boy accomplishments

To some people this might not be a big deal but to me it’s major. It’s been just over a week since Cameron waved Bye-Bye to the bottle and has not looked back! I thought he was going to have an issue with it but apparently not! It was a slow process…we started with the morning bottle which didn’t seem to phase him at all…then there was the midday, just before afternoon nap bottle which, again, didn’t seem to be much of a problem. Then the one I was most concerned about was the bedtime bottle, but we just decided to try switching to a cup one night and he didn’t even seem to care! As long as he got milk somehow he was a happy camper! So apparently the one who was still attached to the bottle was MOMMY! It’s just that the bottle was that last little tie to him being a baby, and now he’s a full fledged toddler, sippy cup and all! I know it’s cliché, but they DO grow up so fast!

Other big boy accomplishments lately include waving bye-bye at appropriate times (as opposed to just random waving before), playing peek-a-boo, pointing to or grabbing his feet when I ask him where they are, and sometimes using a spoon to eat with. Ok, maybe he’s not quite ready to graduate from finger foods to using utensils, but when given yogurt or pudding he will dip the spoon in and lick it off, then dip again…you get the picture. While this process is painstakingly slow since he only gets a tiny drop on the spoon at a time, it’s a pretty big accomplishment in my book, and it's so cute to see how proud of himself he is! He’s also been really good about going to bed lately, which for a while was becoming increasingly difficult! I don’t know what’s changed other than we’ve just been really good about sticking to our bedtime routine which seems to help. For the longest time I was having to hold him and rock him to sleep, but some nights it would take 20 or 30 minutes of this before I could leave the room and it was getting out of hand! So now I turn his aquarium on and turn the lights out and I’ll hold him for 1, maybe 2 songs then I lay him down awake and leave the room. He usually cries for a minute or two but that’s it and he’s out like a light! Last night he didn’t even cry when I left, he just gave me this “I love you Mommy” look (the one that melts my heart…) and closed his eyes. So sweet. I don’t know what we’ve done to deserve to have such a wonderful little person in our lives but we are so truly blessed!

Though of course there are those tantrums that have been going on lately too, along with the big boy attitude…but I don’t want to spoil Cameron’s angel reputation for you just yet! ;)

I haven't taken many pictures since the holidays...shame on me...but here's a funny one that Daddy took of him out in his sled today. The poor kid can hardly move with his giant snowsuit on but he's warm at least! And yes, Daddy is pulling him down the driveway instead of through our yard full of snow. Don't ask me why because I'm not sure!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That picture is priceless!

We had the same reaction to Gabe ditching his bottle. I still sometimes miss that time of just holding him.

That is great about the spoon, it won't be long before he figures it out. I chuckled thinking about how slow of a process it must be.

They do grow up fast.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yipppee, that is good news. Makes life easier for you too. Annabella was the same way. Didn't give a hoot where the milk came from, as long as she had some.....brrr, what's theat white stuff in your driveway, hahahah, 72 degrees here today.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Betsy said...

Aw, so sweet. Wish I could get Savanna to sleep through the night!

Can't wait to hear about the tantrums :)

Glad you are back

10:44 AM  

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